Interlock Time Capsule
Using Shamir Secret Sharing to build a community time capsule

Liberation Technology Toolkits
Tooling for analyzing the security of libtech technlogies such as meek and obfs4.

Tools to attack and defend from fingerprinting phantomJS and Selenium framework.

Tor Research Workshop
A 4 hour class going into details about tor, cryptography, networking, and anonymity attacks.

Jukebox Jacking
A project reverse engineering a XXXXXXXXXX jukebox remote control using hardware analysis and RF interception. Concluded with a legal threat to stop doing that.

SSH Un-Tunnel
SshUnTunnel was a PoC exploiting a file permission vulnerability in the Android app, SSHTunnel.

Security B-Sides Rochester
A local hacking conference representing the local hacking and infosec community, volunteer supported and low cost of entry.