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New Year Update

Dec 31 2011 Published by under News

This is just an update that will 1) fill the home page with something and 2) to mark down some of this years plans.

At the annual Interlock meeting, I presented a list of things that I’d like to work on at the space this year, along with a list of things that I hilariously failed at the year before. The failures are for Interlock member entertainment only, sorry. But the other list just about covers my plans for this year. I’m dumping them here to see how far my interests change over time.

Hardware Security Projects

There have been a couple projects I’ve had my eye on for a while this year. One is currently in progress but will take months to finish and not even sure if I can tell anyone. (Those are always the best projects.) I’d like to develop my mannequin into some interesting hardware functions. So far she’s had Arduinos, xbees, and a alcohol sensor/breathalizer inside her skull. Some of the next ideas are to implement an NFC sensor in her hip, create an EL wire network status brain, and give her iButton support. In general, I’d like to learn more about hardware hacking and use it to apply to the security mentality.

Radio Waves

This year I got my Ham license (KD2ACP) but haven’t done much with it, really. I’ve fallen into a project that requires that I’m able to operate on some Ham frequencies so it makes sense that I’ll be diving into learning about radio technology this year.

Mobile Hacking

Google’s Android OS is obviously very popular and really easy to learn about and I’ve got a good understanding of the technology. This year I gave a couple of presentations about Android security and released a simple tool to scan for vulnerabilities. It’s been fun, but time to move on. My next target is to start getting into iPhones and iOS. A couple of coworkers already own BlackBerry’s future OS, so I’m hoping to tap them for info as more projects come in.


2011 was the first Security B-Sides in Rochester. I’ll quietly skip over all the drama in recent times, and whether or not I think “B-Sides” will remain a good idea, and just say that I really want to keep a hacker con in the area. Rochester has a good infosec con, the Rochester Security Summit, but I’d really like to throw a celebration for the local hacker scene. BSidesROC 2012 is already in motion for next year so it looks like I can get that off my list in May.


Interlock had its biggest growth in physical space, members, and publicity this year. Proudly, I can say that it was with little help from me. The members, officers, and general supporters have worked together to make the space into what I think is a serious hackerspace, so I’m pretty excited to see where it takes off this year. This year is the last year that I can be the Vice President. We wrote a loop hole into the bylaws so I could come back as a different officer position, but my goals is actually to be replaced by someone that is equally or more interested in keeping the space going. It seems like a stupid goal to resign, but that means that I’d like to help the space evolve and pique the interests of more people. I like how the interests of the officers are pretty perfect in the way they represent the rest of the group. Myself with the security background, Berticus as the classic “Maker”, Alex as an electrical engineer and robot enthusiast, and Wayne as the programmer. Hopefully our replacements will be able to do the same and possibly expand into artistic areas.

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